Monday, September 16, 2013

ERP Disposition

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution disposition.  What crosses your mind when you read this statement?  Are you thinking about the fact that you have an older system that has not had any updates or improvements?  Are you proud of the fact that you have made updates to stay current?  Are you concerned that your attitude makes a difference?


The word Disposition evokes many thoughts.  It truly is a matter of personal interpretation.  It is not a particularly dynamic or exciting word.  It is a word that often invokes concern.  Generally defined as a person’s inherent qualities of mind and character.  Temperament, nature, character, attitude, constitution or makeup mentality.  One’s usual mood, temperament a habitual inclination, tenancy.  The way in which something placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things.


Do you think from your perspective that your business has not changed and therefore you are questioning why you should make any changes at all?  There is an evolution of change in industry.  Smart people are looking at ways to leverage technology to reduce errors, speed transactions, and compete more effectively. 


Is your solution responsive to your organizations current and changing needs?  How easily can you customize it to your specific needs?  Is a hosted solution in your future?  How does your organization collaborate with each other, suppliers and customers?


How likely does your disposition affect your objectivity in evaluating the effectiveness of your solution?


If you are like most people you blinked recently and may have missed how Cloud or hosted technologies are changing the landscape of how technology is implemented and delivered.  That is not to say everyone should be moving their solution to a hosted platform.  Many feel that this is not a change in technology, rather a maturation process and in 10 years only special and specific solutions will be based on premise. 


What is your organization’s disposition to the possibility that you may well be using a cloud based solution in the future?


Are you happy with your solution, but wished that it was easier to customize without a lot of technical effort to meet the diverse needs of your users?  Your solution may work, but how much customization does it require?  The more modifications your solution undergoes the more removed you are from the updates that keep you competitive.  Do you question why your solution provider comes out with what seems like unnecessary enhancements?  Is it possible that your view is tunneled and these enhancements could have a positive impact on your ability to compete effectively in the future?


What is your disposition to the thought that the only constant is change?


How well does your solution enable collaboration with staff, suppliers and customers?  Does your staff have the tools and information needed, at their fingertips to answer the concerns of your customers?  Does management have the dashboards with drill-down capability to hone in on critical issues as they develop? 


What is your organization’s disposition concerning the importance of customer service and support?


Everything that is done should have customer service as a key metric.  Order entry, procurement, receiving, inventory control and warehousing, pick pack and shipment, billing, receivables and collection.  ALL have a responsibility to your customers.  From the first moment that the receptionist answers the phone (you do have a person answering your phones don’t you?), to the customer service  person they communicate with, to the staff that fulfills their order and information requests.  It all matters. 


What is your disposition to providing dynamic and meaningful data analysis?


Knowledge really is the key to success.  Knowing more sooner even if it is only minutes gives you a valuable gift of time.  A minute may not sound like much, but cumulatively over the course of the year it adds up.  Who would not want extra time to contemplate critical business decisions?  The ability to make decisions that improve growth and empower an organization is a leadership quality.  Anyone can make a hasty decision, but what factors in the difference between hasty and effective? 


The purpose of this writing is to challenge you in the way you look at and evaluate your own personal as well as your organization’s disposition to making effective changes.  Change may not be easy, but growth requires that you assess where you are and where you want to be and then find out what is holding you back from moving forward towards that goal. 


Your disposition has a lot to do with your successes.


At Dolvin Consulting we take a consultative approach to helping you help your organization.  There is no single right or wrong way of conducting business.  What matters is what works and what works for you may be different than the competition down the block.  We do not try to tell you how to run your business, we work to empower your people with the proper tools so they work more productively and enable you to drive your own efficiency.  Contact us today to see how we can help, that is why we are here.


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